Property :
This web site is the property of La Flambelle.
Webmaster / webdesigner, owner and host of the web site :
Webmaster/webesigner : | Owner : | Host : |
Ludovic L. 1 rue Sainte Radegonde 31800 Valentine |
La Flambelle Frédéric AUTIER et Marc VIRETTO Rue de la Fruitière 31160 Izaut-de-l'Hôtel France Tél : 00 33 5 61 88 54 57 E-mail : |
1&1 Internet SARL 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex France Tél : 00 33 9 70 80 89 11 E-mail : |
The user of the web site La Flambelle recognizes to have the competence and the necessary means to reach and use this site. He also recognizes to have acquainted with the present legal note and makes a commitment to respect it.
Cookies :
The user is informed that during its visits on the site, a cookie can settle down automatically on its browser software. A cookie is an element which does not allow to identify the user but serves to record information relative to the browsing of this one on the web site La Flambelle.
The user can deactivate this cookie through the parameters appearing within his browser software.
The user has a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of the data which concern him (article 34 of the law " Computing and Liberties "). To exercise it, the user can address with the owner of the higher aimed site.
Contents of the Web site :
Brands of the developer of the web site La Flambelle and of his partners, as well as logos representing on said site are elements protected by the capacities of the intellectual property laws and can be the object, without consent of the owner neither of the site, nor no reproduction nor the partial or total representation.
Hypertext links set up within the framework of the web site La Flambelle in the direction of other present resources on the network of the Internet, in particular towards his partners were the object of an express and written prior authorization.
The users visitors of the web site La Flambelle cannot set up a hyperlink in the direction of these sites without the express authorization and the prerequisite of the developer of the web site La Flambelle.
Copyright :
The reproduction, the use, the exploitation(operation) of photos, images, texts, cards(maps), graphic creations, and in a wider way of any published information about the wef site La Flambelle, are totally forbidden without preliminary agreement of their authors.
An express request of authorization has to reach the owner of the higher quoted web site. The failure to respect this ban can engage the civil and penal responsibility of the offender.